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供应 济南优质生菜球批发商

发布时间:2019-10-26 16:27:42   类别:生菜
10月-12月 / 奶油生菜
电 话:

生菜球疾病采取预防措施。1)选择适宜的播种期,熟悉对外界环境条件——温度的要求,然后算好播种期,设法让结球期躲避高温季节,使结球期处于白天温暖夜间凉爽的时期。若结球期遇上日平均气温超过24℃以上的高温时,可适当采取盖遮阳网或荫棚降温等措施,与高秆作物或架菜间作,地面覆草,也是克服高温措施之一,可结合采用。2)水肥均匀 定植后,前期结合浇水分期追肥并进行中耕,使土壤见干见湿,促进根系扩展及莲座叶的生长。中、后期要不断地均匀供应水分,以保持莲座叶不衰和叶球迅速抱合生长,形成形状正常、紧实的叶球。3)当叶球紧实时就及时采收,过早采收影响产量,采收过迟叶球内短缩茎伸长,叶球变松,降低品质。


Take preventive measures against lettuce ball disease. 1) select the appropriate sowing time, be familiar with the requirements of the external environment conditions - temperature, and then calculate the sowing time, try to avoid the high temperature season, so that the ball period is in a warm day and cool night period. If the average daily temperature is higher than 24 ℃ in the period of heading, measures such as sunshade or shade can be taken properly, intercropping with high stalk crops or vegetables, covering the ground with grass, which is also one of the measures to overcome the high temperature. It can be used in combination. 2) after the uniform planting of water and fertilizer, in the early stage, combined with watering and fertilizing by stages, the soil will be dry and wet, and the root system expansion and the growth of lotus leaves will be promoted. In the middle and later stage, the water should be supplied evenly to keep the lotus leaves and the leaf balls growing rapidly, forming the normal and compact leaf balls. 3) when the leaf ball is tight, it should be harvested in time. Early harvest will affect the yield. If the harvest is too late, the stem will be shortened and elongated, the leaf ball will become loose, and the quality will be reduced.



如有需要批发生菜球、生菜球蔬菜,生菜球苗的,可联系电话 13964174712 或15006407571,我们会给你价格上的优惠的。





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